आईएसएसएन: 2165-7890
Jennifer Weniger*, Sung Kim
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is one of the most extensively studied neurodevelopment disorders in the field. While extensive research has been conducted on ASD, many unknown areas remain to be investigated. Due to ASD’s high comorbidity rates with other mental disorders, misdiagnosing ASD continues to be prevalent. This current case study focuses on a young adult who was recently diagnosed with ASD after being misdiagnosed with ADHD. His misdiagnosis with ADHD is much more than just a diagnostic issue, as he lost valuable time in which to receive proper treatment for ASD. As much as the field is aware of the high rates of comorbidity between ASD and other disorders, we lack an objective assessment to measure ASD and the easily overlooked indications of ASD. Additional trainings and more objective measurements for health alliance staff and professionals for diagnosing ASD are clearly needed.