जर्नल ऑफ़ पोषण और खाद्य विज्ञान

जर्नल ऑफ़ पोषण और खाद्य विज्ञान
खुला एक्सेस

आईएसएसएन: 2155-9600

खाद्य और पेय पदार्थ पर 29वां विश्व सम्मेलन

मूल्य वर्धित सार

Food by-products based value-added products: Evaluations in terms of industry 4.0

Ozlem Tokusoglu

इस लेख का हिस्सा

मूल्य वर्धित सार

Study on the antioxidant and antimicrobal activity of Lavender (Lavandula Angustifolia) beverages

Paraskevi Mitlianga, Charikleia Papadaki, Stavroula Giangou, Ioannis Tsakiris

इस लेख का हिस्सा

मूल्य वर्धित सार

Preliminary report on antioxidant activity of spices commercialized in north Greece

Paraskevi Mitlianga, Charikleia Papadaki, Kleoniki Kesidou, Stergianni Dalamitra

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मूल्य वर्धित सार

Aromatic characterization of fermented beverages from South Tyrol

Giulia Chitarrini, Luca Debiasi, Franziska Hillebrand, Eleonora Depetris, Peter Robatscher, Lorenza Conterno

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मूल्य वर्धित सार

Rheology of meat exudate for future meat packaging applications

Alaa Alaizoki, Christopher Phillips and Davide Deganello

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मूल्य वर्धित सार


Claudia Pudack and Severine Dette

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मूल्य वर्धित सार

Exploring influences on coffee liking: effect of samples and consumer characteristics

N. Condelli, F. Galgano, M.C. Caruso, M. Di Cairano, N. Cela

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मूल्य वर्धित सार

The chemical base for white tea quality: Oligopeptide, nuculeotides, and beyond

Mingjie Chen

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मूल्य वर्धित सार

Cocoa products: A source of health and wellness during Covid-19 pandemic

Suzana C. S. Lannes

इस लेख का हिस्सा

मूल्य वर्धित सार

Molecular diagnostic technique for detection of common foodborne pathogens: Focus on food from different restaurants in Lebanon

Lara Hanna Wakim

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