आईएसएसएन: 2329-888X
Eufemio Barcelon, Leira Montiflor, Joan Berry, Jessica Jasmin and Fatima Macam
Local street-vended ice cream in the Philippines has been called “dirty” ice cream for due to unsanitary manufacturing processes. This study aims to know the sensory preference of University of Santo Tomas college students in Manila, Philippines on street vended ice cream and their awareness on the possible health hazards linked in the product. Also, this study aims to determine the bacteriological quality of street-vended ice cream per variant. Three different ice cream variants were evaluated by 100 college students, and microbiological test were also conducted. In the three different samples tested, Cheese-flavored street-vended ice cream showed the highest rate in the overall acceptability in terms of taste, appearance and texture. On all three samples, Enterobacter gergoviae, which is known to cause opportunistic infection amongst immune compromised individuals, was found present in all the three ice cream samples.