स्त्री रोग और प्रसूति विज्ञान

स्त्री रोग और प्रसूति विज्ञान
खुला एक्सेस

आईएसएसएन: 2161-0932

आयतन 9, मुद्दा 2 (2019)

शोध आलेख

Gene Profiling and Therapy: What's the Future? A Case Report of Uterine Leiomyosarcoma

Alessia Re, Anna Rita Alitto, Ciro Mazzarella, Francesco Catucci, Antonella Martino, Giovanna Mantini and Giovanni Palazzoni

इस लेख का हिस्सा

शोध आलेख

Prevalence and Associated Factors with Maternal Delays in Seeking Emergency Obstetric Care in Arsi Zone, Oromiya, Ethiopia Cross-sectional Study Design

Yirga Wondu, Bekele Dibaba and Roza Amdemichael

इस लेख का हिस्सा

शोध आलेख

Epidemiological Aspects and Prognosis of Severe Pre-eclampsia in Bangui, Central African Republic

Norbert Richard Ngbale, Christelle Edith Gaunetfet, Alida Koirokpi, Simeon Matoulou, Gertrude Kogboma-Gongo, Kelly Mbano-Dede, Abdoulaye Sepou and Alexandre Manirakiza

इस लेख का हिस्सा

मामला का बिबरानी

An Application of Machine Learning in IVF: Comparing the Accuracy of Classification Alogithims for the Prediction of Twins

Rinehart John

इस लेख का हिस्सा