आईएसएसएन: 2167-0420
Rehena Parvin*, Tahmina Sultana, Shohal Hossain
In generally we can say that the loss of pregnancy during the first 20 to 23 week is called miscarriage. The objective of this study was to determine the effects of miscarriage, reproductive tract and parity and gravidity on women's sexual life and also to know the effects of miscarriage on fertility rate. The study was cross-sectional study, which was done by within six month at the Natun Vuqta Malithia of the Sailkupa Upazila under Jhenaidah District who were affected by miscarriage. The total number of 100 women with the history of miscarriage was included in this study. Data was collected from field through direct interview and the method of data collection was case study method by using a well-developed semi-structured questionnaire. The data analysis was perform through by using software's Microsoft Excel. Among the 100 respondents 74% respondents first delivery were happened between the age 13-20 years and 33% respondents faced the problem during intercourse and among them 41% suffered from abdomen pain, 91% respondents faced problems after miscarriage, 31% respondents faced problem at first conception and 48% respondents have alive children more than one conception. 26% respondents lost their every pregnancy for occurring miscarriage and 81% faced problem to continue pregnancy after miscarriage, 66% could not identify the causes of miscarriage, 72% faced long time physical problem after her miscarriage and the higher 18% were suffering from uterine problems, 48% were suffering from complication like infection after miscarriage. 80% respondents faced heavy bleeding, 67% were suffering from dysmenorrheal. 31% respondents faced problem to attend in social program without having children due to miscarriage which affects on respondents psychological condition.