आईएसएसएन: 2155-9554
Reza Kalantari, Simindokht Soleimanifard, Moussa Soleimani-Ahmadi, Rasool Jafari, Mohamad Abtahi
Purpose: Scabies is a common parasitic infestation caused by the permanent parasite of human. Infestation occurs when the "itchy" mite, S. scabiei, penetrates the skin and eats the epidermis of the host. This infestation is a major problem that occurs in many indigenous communities and less developed countries in both sexes.
Information about the prevalence of this disease in Iran is low. Thus this study aimed to determine the future of infestation in Isfahan.
Methods: 283 patients with clinical futures of scabies, who were examined by a dermatologist, from different medical centers in Isfahan, were assayed. Sampling was performed directly from the epidermis with mineral oil on the newest nodules by a scalpel blade. The specimens were examined by microscope with low and high magnification to confirm the infestation and then the results were analyzed by SPSS software v.23.
Results: With the microscopic examination, 86 (72.3%) out of 119 males and 100 (64.1%) out of 156 females with clinical futures of scabies indeed had the disease yet there was no significant statistical difference in the infestation rate with the sexes (p=0.096). Among the occupations, the highest level of infestation was observed in Artisan, 10 (71.4%) out of 14. No significant difference was observed among different occupations and the infestation rate (p=0.97).
Conclusion: The frequency of the disease in Isfahan is high, but for a more accurate assessment of the disease, more studies with the same methodology should be done to take appropriate health measures for this disease.