एंटीवायरल और एंटीरेट्रोवाइरल जर्नल

एंटीवायरल और एंटीरेट्रोवाइरल जर्नल
खुला एक्सेस

आईएसएसएन: 1948-5964


Single Center experience with sides effects of "Triomune" in Mali

Oumar AA, Dao S, Malle A, Maiga A. I, Fongoro S, Diallo A and Yombi JC

Objective: The main objective was to evaluate the sides effects of "Triomune®" among HIV patients followed at Hospital setting. Methods: Our study concerned 68 patients infected by the HIV under antiretroviral treatment with "Triomune®" in infectious diseases service of Point G hospital center. It was a prospective and observational study with a total duration of six months from January, 1st 2006 to December, 31th 2007. The patients were treated with the generic "Triomune®". Prior to initiation of treatment, the clinical history and biological parameters for each patient were collected including viral load, CD4 cells counts. Results: The majority of our patients consulted for Candidiasis, fever of long duration, chronic cough and diarrhea. We reported that only 8.2% of patients had symptoms after 24 weeks of treatment. For 37 patients (54.4%) the viral load was undetectable after 24 weeks of treatment. 25.2% of our patients presented clinical side effects between them 17% were serious. The skin rash side effects represented 8.1 % of the cases. They were made of rash and nettle rash. In 8.1% of cases, our patients had stopped their treatment because of dermatological side effects. The peripheral neuropathies and myalgia represented 9.5% of the cases. The adherence to treatment was observed in 74% of the patients. At the end of the 24 weeks of our follow up, 5.8% of our patients died. Conclusion: This study suggests that "Triomune®" use may lead at sides\' effects at any time during the first 24 weeks. These data support the national policy in Mali which is recommending to withdraw this fixe dose combinaison from first line HIV therapy.
