थायराइड विकार और थेरेपी जर्नल

थायराइड विकार और थेरेपी जर्नल
खुला एक्सेस

आईएसएसएन: 2167-7948


दक्षिणी झिंजियांग, चीन में प्रजनन आयु की महिलाओं में आयोडीन युक्त तेल और आयोडीन युक्त नमक के मौखिक सेवन से आयोडीन पोषण में सुधार का महत्व

जियॉन्ग जियांग, जियांग निंग, लिपिंग फू, येकिंग जू, लिंग झांग, किन लिन, पिंजियांग मा और जियानजुन लिन

Objective: In severe endemic area of IDD at southern fringe of Tarim Basin, investigation was carried out to
know the situation of iodine nutrition improvement by oral intake of iodinated oil in women of reproductive age for 3 years from 2007 to 2009, in order to prevent neonate cretinism and intelligence disability of children from occurrence.
Methods: In 4 counties of Kashi Prefecture and 3 counties of Kizilsu Kirgiz Prefecture of southern Xinjiang,
China, women of 4 kinds (getting marriage certificate, procreation certificate, within 3 month-pregnancy, in lactation) were implemented iodine supplementary measure of taking iodinated oil. Out of 74 536 women of volunteers, each took 400 mg for twice a year (200 mg in April for the first half year and 200 mg in October for the second half year). Then, 1,533 samples of urine were collected randomly to conduct analysis of urine iodine. Meanwhile, 2,742 child volunteers were taken B-ultrasound examination on thyroid enlargement and their urinary samples were collected for analysis of urine iodine. Results: Iodized salt were delivered freely to poverty households by governmental subsidy in Xinjiang. After 2 years, goiter rate of children decreased to be 4.2% in 2009 from 18.5% in 2007. There was statistical significance between 2007 and 2009 (chi square, P<0.05), and urine iodine of children increased 47 percentage points. Urine iodine of women of reproductive age improved from 75.3 μg/L in 2007 to 316.68 μg/L in 2009 by taking iodinated oil orally. There was statistical difference in urine iodine of women in different counties before and after supplementary iodine (t test, P<0.05). Investigation on children within 3-year-old born after supplementary iodine in 2007 showed there was no new occurrence of endemic cretinism through emergent iodine supplement in women of reproductive age by taking iodinated oil for successive 3 years.
Conclusions: Measure of taking iodinated oil orally in women of reproductive age in southern Xinjiang is
effective for preventing neonate cretinism and intelligence disability of children from occurrence.

अस्वीकरण: इस सार का अनुवाद कृत्रिम बुद्धिमत्ता उपकरणों का उपयोग करके किया गया था और अभी तक इसकी समीक्षा या सत्यापन नहीं किया गया है।