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खुला एक्सेस

आईएसएसएन: 2319-7285


Scope, Scale, and Effect of IT Outsourcing Management

B. Charles Henry

The constant flux and instability of the outsourcing market coupled with the increasing number of new entrants makes operating an outsourcing service challenging. Enterprises wishing to survive in such a competitive climate must respond to market conditions in specific and concerted ways that will allow them to glean pertinent and relevant data which they may use to their organizations’ advantage. This requires a deep understanding of organizations, their interdepartmental association, workers’ abilities, skill-sets, and how these relate in the wider outsourcing industry. In addition, sustaining competitiveness in such an unstable climate requires that enterprise leaders establish models, objectives, and behaviors that will culminate in oneness of purpose across the organization. Nothing less is likely to lead outsourcing businesses to maximize their outsourcing mission as they advance their operations globally. In light of these realities, the following highlight some critical success factors that must be assessed carefully when offering outsourcing services.
