आईएसएसएन: 2329-6488
Bernat N Tiffon1*, Jorge González Fernández2
Behavior due to causes or stimuli so powerful that they have produced psychological alterations such as outbursts, blind rage or other similar passionate states, is usually the common denominator of a good part of the cases for which forensic and/or criminological analysis of human conduct is undertaken The psychological profile of a 40-year-old patient and the juridical-legal consequences of a crime against human life perpetrated are described, from the harmful and toxic influence of his emotions and seized by the anger and anger he maintained against the victim, giving him a punch of such intensity that it caused him to lose consciousness enough and necessary to cause his death due to the strong impact of the skull on the ground. In this case, the perpetrator's outburst was caused because the victim had surreptitiously supplied drugs to her affective-sentimental partner.