आईएसएसएन: 2161-038X
Catherine Allaire, Christina Williams, Shabnam Ziabakhsh, Brenda WY Lau and Paul Yong
Objective: To identify the needs of Obstetrician-Gynaecologists (OB-GYNs) in British Columbia, Canada, for the medical and surgical care of women with endometriosis and Chronic Pelvic Pain (CPP). Methods: Online survey. Results: Forty-four OB-GYNs responded to the survey (24%; 44/180). Most stated that CPP patients required more visits (82%; 36/44), and most felt their time was poorly compensated (77%; 28/36). Only five percent (2/41) were able to make a diagnosis of the cause(s) of CPP in >70% of their patients, with the endometriosis the most common diagnosis (47%). There was a high rate of the use of laparoscopy for the evaluation of CPP (67%; 28/42). A quarter (8/35) felt comfortable with pain management. Many have accessed CPP practice guidelines (63%; 22/35), but only one-third (12/35) were clear about the guidelines. Respondents were favourable towards online resources, phone support, and the tertiary referral centre, though distance from the centre was identified as a limitation. Conclusions: Identified needs gaps for the care of women with endometriosis and CPP were time constraints, remuneration, achieving a diagnosis, pain management, clinical guidelines, online resources, phone support, and distance from a tertiary referral centre.