आईएसएसएन: 2150-3508
एम.ए. राथर, आर. शर्मा, एम. अकलाकुर, एस. अहमद, एन. कुमार, एम. खान, वी.एल. राम्या
Nanotechnology has a tremendous potential to revolutionize agriculture and allied fields including aquaculture and fisheries. It can provide new tools for aquaculture, fish biotechnology, fish genetics, fish reproduction and aquatic health etc. Nanotechnology tools like nanomaterials, nanosensors, DNA nanovaccines, Gene delivery and smart drug delivery etc. have the potential to solve many puzzles related to animal health, production, reproduction, prevention and treatment of diseases. It is sensible to presume that in the upcoming years, nanotechnology research will reform the science and technology and will help boost livestock production. Nanotechnology applications in the fish processing industry can be utilized to detect bacteria in packaging, produce stronger flavours, colour quality, and safety by increasing the barrier properties. This paper presents the review of nanotechnology and its applications in aquaculture and fisheries.