आईएसएसएन: 2169-0138
Salunkhe Vijay Rajaram*, Patil Priyanka Ravindra, Magdum Chandrakant Shripal
The present research aims to microemulsion of anticancer drug specially Imiquimod. Our intention is to design and develop anticancer microemulsion and characterizes the same by applicable and critical parameters. In this research work, Imiquimod is a synthetic anticancer drug which is used to formulate the microemulsion formulation. Imiquimod drug was evaluated by the preliminary tests as color, appearance, nature, melting point, solubility, infrared spectra, determination of λ max, determination of calibration curve, XRD, DSC. The λ max of Imiquimod was found to be at 257 nm. Prepared microemulsion characterized by color, odor, appearance, pH, Viscosity (cp), Staining test, Droplet size (nm), Drug content (%), zeta potential, UV spectroscopy, in vitro drug release study, Thermodynamic stability, surface morphology, NMR study, in vitro anticancer study, Accelerated stability study according to ICH Q1 a guidelines. Then the microemulsions were prepared by factorial design i.e., Design-Expert 12 software (Stat-Ease Inc., USA) was used for designing of experiment, to study interaction between independent variables and dependent variables and deriving optimum formulation. Microemulsion is prepared by water titration method. pH Values of Optimized batch F3 shows 6.00 ± 0. 020 pH. The viscosity Optimized microemulsion F3 batch shows 192 ± 0.024 cp viscosity. Droplet size of Optimized F3 batch shows 222.3 ± 0.23 nm droplet size. Zeta potential values of Optimized batch of F3 shows -32.9 ± 0.018 mV for good stability. The drug content of Batch F3 shows maximum drug content 82.51 ± 0.020%. Staining test is carried out to check type of microemulsion it was observed that all batches of microemulsion is O/W type. Optimized batch F3 shows drug release rate was found to be 91.85 ± 0.018 after 8 hr. Thermodynamic stability study, F3 showed good results with better stability. In vitro anti-cancer activity studies prove that the developed microemulsion formulation can be a promising product in the treatment of cancer. The final product is well acceptable, suitable, easy for applicable and elegant.