आईएसएसएन: 2167-0420
Masresha Leta Serbesa, Maleda Tefera Iffa and Mohammed Geleto
Introduction: Malnutrition is one of the major nutritional problems in which the physical function of an individual is impaired to the point which cannot longer maintain adequate body performance process such as growth, physical work and resisting and recovery from the disease. Malnutrition usually stems from low economic situation, poor personal and environmental hygiene and ignorance are contributed to magnitude of high incidence of acute problem of malnutrition. Recent studies found that the center of the problem is the backward socio-economic development of the country which in turn results in one of the lowest standard of living, low level of social service, poor environmental conditions. In this respect it no disheartening to the not that the state of the health service in Ethiopia is low even when compared to the Sub-Saharan Africa countries.
Objective: To assess magnitude of malnutrition and associated factors among pregnancy and lactating mother in Mi’esso health center, Mi’esso Woreda, Oromia Region, Ethiopia.
Methods: Institutional based cross-sectional study was employed. The study was conducted from February 1 to May 30, 2017 among pregnancy and lactating in Mi’esso Woreda. A total of 304 sample was selected by systematic random sampling from the list of Clients, with different socio-demographic and the collected data was analyses by using computer with the total budget of 4846.9 Ethiopian birr.
Results: The nutritional status of pregnancy and lactating mother based on their weight and height the BMI of the respondents indicates overweight accounts 12.6%, underweight 30.3%, and majority of the pregnancy and lactating mother accounts for 57.2% were normal nutritional level. The weight and height/length of the pregnancy and lactating mother included in the study were between 1.56 m to 1.78 m and weight 53 kg to 84 kg. From multiple logistic regression analysis family income (AOR=2.056, 95%CI=1.051-4.023) and age of women (AOR=2.169 (1.015-4.634)) were significantly associated with the nutritional status of the study participants.
Recommendation: Facilitate rural-urban community’s access to information on nutrition like feeding practice sanitation, health and development program during pregnancy and lactation and efforts to expand awareness of women education using selected dietary during pregnancy and lactation.