आईएसएसएन: 2155-9554
Faryal Yaqub Salik
Tuberculosis (TB) is a worldwide disease. Out of one third of the world’s population infected with TB, 9 million develop active TB and almost 2 million die from it annually1. Despite increase in incidence and prevalence of TB worldwide, cutaenous tuberculosis (CTB) occurs with incidence of 0.11% - 2.5% 2.CTB may present in a number of ways. Lupus vulgaris( LV) and tuberculosis verrucosa cutis(TVC) are two variants of CTB that have been shown to occur in a previously sensitized individual 3. Here we report a case of healthy, young; BCG vaccinated female who presented with LV, scrofuloderma (SF) and TB lymphadenitis and responded well to anti- tuberculous therapy (ATT).