select ad.sno,ad.journal,ad.title,ad.author_names,ad.abstract,ad.abstractlink,j.j_name,vi.* from articles_data ad left join journals j on j.journal=ad.journal left join vol_issues vi on vi.issue_id_en=ad.issue_id where ad.sno_en='80221' and ad.lang_id='8' and j.lang_id='8' and vi.lang_id='8'
आईएसएसएन: 2375-446X
Eshraga D. Mahmoud, Egbal O. Ahmed, Abed El Rahman A, Sana Y. Abdallah
The present study was designed to decide the rate of helminths parasites in Clarias lazera fishes in Jebel Aulia dam in relation to length, weight and condition factor index. A total of three hundred (300) fish sampled were secured from fishermen at the landing site for parasitic examination. They were inspected for parasitic infections utilizing direct wet mount microscopy and recolored smears. Standard length and fish body weights and condition index were determined. The results showed that, a total number 210(70%) of 300 examined Clarias lazera were infected. The fishes sampled were infected with nematode represented by (81.8%), and Cestode (12.7%), while the co-infected (Nematode and Cestode) (43.6%). Fishes in length 52-66 cm and 40-62 cm recorded highly correlation to helminths prevalence and medium in the length group 32-69 cm. The weight of the fish samples recovered by nematode ranged from 38 to 1020 g, Cestode from 600 to 2200 g while Co-infected ranged from 950 to 1500 g. The infection leads to a decrease in the condition factor of fish infected with nematodes and the co-infection only while the effect of Cestode to fish cannot be illustrated by the condition factors. This study clarifies that larger size C. lazera provide a larger surface region for parasitic infection than the smaller ones. The study moreover appeared that there was a significant (P<0.05) correlation between infection rate of C. lazera body size, and weight.