कृषि विज्ञान और खाद्य अनुसंधान जर्नल

कृषि विज्ञान और खाद्य अनुसंधान जर्नल
खुला एक्सेस

आईएसएसएन: 2593-9173


Identification of Markers for Root Traits Using Association Mapping Analysis in Rice (Oryza Sativa L.)

Ravina Prakash Ramteke, Sunil Kumar Verma, Toshy Agrawal, S B Verulkar

Rice is mainly a semi-aquatic plant, an adequate amount of water is necessary for the better development and growth of rice crops. But due to the scarcity of water in rice-growing countries, they faced problems like drought stress and other abiotic stresses. The research is conducted to analyze the root system and root morphology of rice plants because the rice is drought tolerant and directly correlated with the root system. The study is designed for rice root traits analysis i.e., genotypic and phenotypic. The hundred diverse genotypes of rice with three different groups viz. wild type, the cultivated type and germplasm rice were grown under the rhizotron conditions. The 157 SSR markers were used for studying the population of rice and genotypic data were generated. The root was scanned by root scanner after 45 Days After Sowing (DAS) and the parameters taken for the considerations are Root Length (RL), Total Root Length (TRL), Average Root Diameter (ARD), Surface Area (SA), Root Weight Fresh (RWF), Root Weight Dry (RWD) and Root Volume (RV) etc. Phenotypic data was recorded. Six markers were found associated with the root traits. Reference Marker (RM-408) on chromosome 8 is associated with the TRL is, also associated with the fresh root weight. RM-236 and RM-408 on chromosome-8 is associated with root surface area, NOD-1 and NOD-3 on chromosome-8 is associated with the dry root weight. RM-505 on chromosome-7 is associated with the average root diameter, RM-1 on chromosome-1 is also associated with the root surface area these markers show the marker trait associations in rice. Genotypes Wilt Resistant (WR-41), Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana-104 (RKVY-104), Bamleshwari, Nagina-22 and Conventional Tillage (CT-9993) having good root length, root volume, root diameter etc. This study will help in future for selection and use of donor genotype of rice for drought tolerance.
