आईएसएसएन: 2311-3278
Paul Olusegun Bankole
Filamentous fungi are known for their effective and efficient biosorbent properties. In this study, Penicillium citrinum strain LAG decolorized Eriochrome black T dye within 5 days. Maximum decolorization (98%) was achieved at a concentration (10 mg L-1), temperature (35 °C), pH 6 and 2.0 g cell biomass during optimization scale up studies. The enzymes activities showed 63% and 55% induction of laccase and lignin peroxidase respectively. UV—Vis spectroscopy, HPLC and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry was used in analyzing the degraded products of the dye. The GCMS analysis revealed the production of three metabolites; naphthalen-1-ol, 2-nitronaphthalene and naphthalene after degradation of Eriochrome black T dye. A possible metabolic pathway for the degradation of Eriochrome black T dye by Aspergillus niger was proposed. The detoxified status of the dye metabolites were confirmed with significant growth of plumule and radicle coupled with increase in germination percentage of Phaseolus mungo and Triticum aestivum.
The present study deals with the decolorisation, biodegradation and detoxification of Direct Black-38, a benzidine based azo dye, by a mixed microbial culture isolated from an aerobic bioreactor treating textile wastewater. The studies revealed a biotransformation of Direct Black-38 into benzidine and 4-aminobiphenyl followed by complete decolorisation and biodegradation of these toxic intermediates. From cytotoxicity studies, it was concluded that detoxification of the dye took place after degradation of the toxic intermediates by the culture. Synthetic textile dyes are one of the most serious pollutants that contaminate steadily higher amounts of wastewater as industrial ef luents. The dyes are highly recalcitrant owing to their chemical structure. Filamentous fungi possesses excellent biosorption capacity due to the secretion of non-selective extracellular enzymes. The aim of this study is to evaluate the biodecolorization ef iciency of Penicillium citrinum on Ericochrome black T dye. Optimum decolorization (98%) was achieved at a concentration (10 mg L -1), temperature (35 °C), and pH 6 during 5 days optimization scale up studies. UV—Vis spectroscopy, HPLC and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry was used in analyzing the degraded products of the dye. The GCMS analysis revealed the production of three metabolites; naphthalen-1-ol, 2- nitronaphthalene and naphthalene after degradation of Eriochrome black T dye. A possible metabolic pathway for the degradation of Eriochrome black T dye by Penicillium citrinum was proposed. The phytotoxicity study revealed the nontoxic nature of the final metabolites. The detoxified status of the dye metabolites were confirmed with significant growth of plumule and radicle coupled with increase in germination percentage of Vigna uniguiculata and Triticum aestivum.