आईएसएसएन: 2329-9495
Hakan Gocer
Introduction: Carbon dioxide angiography is widely used specifically in screening peripheral venous system, lower extremity arteries, visceral arteries and abdominal aorta in patients with renal insufficiency and hypersensitivity to contrast agents. Efficacy and safety was revealed but effects on endothelial functions have not been documented. We aimed to document the effects of carbon dioxide angiography on endothelial functions in lower extremity arteries via noninvasively with flow mediated vasodilatation.
Materials and Methods: Sixteen patients with lower extremity arteriosclerosis and renal insufficiency were included. All patients were evaluated with CO2 angiography for peripheral arteriosclerosis. Lower extremity endothelial functions were evaluated noninvasively with flow-mediated vasodilatation from popliteal artery before, immediately after and one hour after CO2 angiography. The vessel diameter, flow rate and dilatation percentage were calculated and all result were compared.
Results: The vessel diameter, flow rate and dilatation percentage were similar at baseline and one hour after angiography. The measurements immediately after angiography were decreased compared to baseline (p<0.001). The measurements returned to baseline after one hour.
Conclusion: Despite safety of CO2 angiography in screening vasculature, side effects like embolism, gas trapping, and hypersensitivity were documented Our study revealed that it has temporary negative effects on endothelial functions immediately after procedure proved by objective parameters. However, the clinical exact side effects and interactions should be further studied.