मनोविज्ञान और मनोचिकित्सा जर्नल

मनोविज्ञान और मनोचिकित्सा जर्नल
खुला एक्सेस

आईएसएसएन: 2161-0487


Dark Skin vis-a-vis Asian-American Women Who Out-Marry: Eurogamy as Manifestation of the Bleaching Syndrome

Ronald Hall*

Exchange theory posits that matrimonial relationships are contingent upon a subjective cost-benefit analysis in this case as pertains to the denigration of dark skin. In the aftermath, lower racial status females objectified as sexual fetish and obsessed with light skin marry-up racially to Euro-American men resulting in eurogamy. Eurogamy is a modern-day version of Asian-American Caucasian preferred out-marriage evident in descriptive statistical data. Eurogamy among Asian-American women then precipitates social pathology of the bleaching syndrome. The bleaching syndrome constitutes a somatic out-marriage paradigm containing three basic components: Psychological, sociological and physiological. Millennial Asian-American women appear less inclined to Caucasian select outmarriages as denigration of dark skin. Hence, Asian-American women of the current and coming generation who out-marry will likely do so less by skin color and more by character criteria escaping their objectification as sexual fetish.
