वन अनुसंधान: खुली पहुंच

वन अनुसंधान: खुली पहुंच
खुला एक्सेस

आईएसएसएन: 2168-9776


Biodiversity and Species Richness in Karnataka Veterinary Animal and Fisheries Sciences University Regional Campus

Basavarajaiah DM1*, Narasimhamurthy B2, Jayanaiak P1, Mahadevappa D Gouri1

All living organisms are required to keep the ecosystem alive. One organism cannot exist without other organisms. Biodiversity is important for survival of the human and preserves the ecosystem. Hence biodiversity is called as ‘balance of nature’. It is a hidden treasure that enriches all our lives. Undoubtedly the humans and animals survivability is mainly relying on the ecosystem niche. Indeed, with life support, biodiversity is the diverse range of organisms inhabiting their lives equally in our green planet. Now-a-days due to rapid urbanization, industrialization, modernization and vague policy and planning is drastically affected the biodiversity system, which can accelerate negative impact on quality of life (QOL) of all living organisms. All educational Institutions in India is forefront of fixed biodiversity and vital habitats, due to horizontal and vertical expansion of vegetation area for the purpose of creation of human settlement, construction of roads and bonafide of Government land to some other purposes is inevitability shows habitat loss, which is the largest factor contributing to the current national and global extinction events. Asper the past literature, Institutional biodiversity is alarming stage at national as well as global level; everybody should extend their helping hands to conserve the existing plant and animal species for the benefit of human health concern. In broad perspective ecosystem restoration in small area (Institutional biodiversity) is uniquely valuable tool for environmentalist, policy makers and forest officials for implementation of new policy to improve biodiversity at selected sites of various educational Institutions (smaller area). As long as, the estimation of biodiversity at Institutional level is recursive factor to predict how much vegetation area would be affected by biotic and A-biotic factors. In this proximity, the present study aims to estimate the species richness and floristic diversity at selected sites of KVAFSU regional campus. An observational survey-based study was conducted in the year 2014- 2020 in accordance with standard operating procedure (SOP). Scientifically, the sample measuring was done in a 20 × 20 plot that was made and recorded as an individual species that are present in the demarcated boundary. The cluster sampling method was used to extrapolate the species composition and evenness. As per the research findings, a total 414 (13.66%) [Odds 0.987, p<0.05; 95% CI 10.25-26.38] tree species with 13 family, 8 genera; 10 herb species; 3 family 2 genera and 16 shrubs species besides with 4 family 3 genera was recorded during study period. Suboptimal biodiversity (unusable land) shield with geographical area of 356 acres of land. The human intervention or anthropogenic factor is greatly affected the biodiversity and it was found to be statistically significant (35.0%) [CI -95% 12.55-41.22; Odds 5.22 p=0.0022] followed by pollution (25%) [95% CI 10.68-28.79; Odd 6.31 p=0.0022]; drastic climatic changes (20%) [95% CI 8.63-25.18; odds 3.18 p=0.0016]; habitat degradations (8.0%) [95% CI: 3.16- 10.74 p=0.0008]; Odds 4.86; invasive species (10%) [95% CI: 6.32-12.55; Odds 5.02 p=0.0012]; disease outbreaks (1.0%) [95% CI: 0.32-1.5% Odd 0.96 p=0.4123] etc. The following rare bird species were enlisted during the study period viz Forest owlet-05 (11.11%), Great Indian Bustard-02 (4.44%), Siberian Crane-03 (6.66%), Indian Vulture-01 (2.22%), Bald eagle-03 (6.66%), Indian Rover-04 (8.88%), Spotted owl-05 (11.11%), Wood pecker - 03 (6.66%), Common myna-10 (22.22%), King fisher-02 (4.44%), pipit-01 (2.22%), flycatcher-02 (2.22%), laughing Thrush-03 (6.66%);Mammals; Indian Palm Squirrel-10 (66.66%), Northern Palm Squirrel-05 (33.33%); Reptiles; Western skink-15 (39.47%), common crow 20 (17.51%), Blue tail mole skink-06 (15.78%), Camelian -03 (7.89%),Common Kraits-02 (5.26%),Indian Cobra-10 (26.31%), Viper-02 (5.26%). An approximately 20-28% habitat loss was recorded in the study sites due to anthropogenic factors [odds 6.32; 95% CI 19-36], high level of radiation effect (mobile tower transmit microwave radiation in the range of 869-894 MHz and power density is in vicinity is about 4.7 W/m2 and in 1805-1880 MHz range is 9.2 W/m2, recently 4G network entered in to the city) and pollution (mean CO2 level shoot up to 450-490 ppm). An overall findings of the research, the present study concludes that, the competent authority should take necessary steps to prevent the habitat loss from anthropogenic factors (human intervention) and strictly adhere the National environmental forest policy and also encourage to establish green economy for restoring endangered and rare species at larger extent.

अस्वीकरण: इस सार का अनुवाद कृत्रिम बुद्धिमत्ता उपकरणों का उपयोग करके किया गया था और अभी तक इसकी समीक्षा या सत्यापन नहीं किया गया है।