आईएसएसएन: 2155-9554
Amalia Tri Utami*, Aldona Feronika, Ahmad Nur Habib R
Aim: Tinea versicolor is a skin disease that is often found in tropical countries such as Indonesia. The disease, which is known in the medical world as tinea versicolor is a skin disease caused by fungus. Although it can affect any skin, tinea versicolor usually most often appears on the back, chest, neck and upper arms. The use of anti-fungal drugs at this time in addition to being less effective and felt less quickly get a dream-free skin fungus. Therefore the use of alternative short wave uvb dinars is expected to provide satisfactory answers to the needs of tinea versicolor patients.
Methods : The narrowband Ultraviolet B lamp was exposed to the back of the tinea versicolor's patient in 30 minutes a week. Result : A male, 27 years old, with chief complained white patches in the back that not healed by medication like ketoconazole in a year. The lessions were healed and had excellent result by using narrowband ultraviolet B exposure.