आईएसएसएन: 2161-0495
KM Indira, Joseph Vimal, D Dhivya, RP Swaminatha
Snake bites are accepted medical emergencies in several elements of the globe, particularly in rural areas. Asian country is calculable to own the very best snake bite mortality within the world. A seventy year recent feminine was delivered to the emergency department with alleged history of pain, encephalopathy and unintelligible speech of unexpected onset since 6 am. She was apparently traditional the previous night. Next day morning once she awakened, she had slurring of speech with no weakness of limbs. Elaborate medical specialty examination unconcealed GCS of E4VTM1 with depressed brain stem reflexes, pupil was a pair of 5 metric linear unit reacting to lightweight, doll’s eye absent, cough and unconditioned reflex were absent.